First, I would like to thank you, for all your wonderful and thoughtful well wishes from students and parents. I want to let parents know that Mrs. Fredrina says the EVERY student has been simply amazing and helpful in the classroom. I'm so very proud of each one of them for being thoughtful and caring for the unexpected situation that presented itself in front of us. I am expecting to be released this weekend, fingers crossed.
With that being said, the spellinglist 22 is in Google Classroom under your student's and your login. I should be back in time to hear everyone's story which will be due on Monday. Because, I missed the last American History (Black History) report. A report on a significant Minority American of the student choice, researched in their own way. There should be 2 pages for this research paper. The information can be gathered by using Bubble Mapping the information first, and then writing the report.
These should be an assignment that can be completed pretty easily however, you can contact us if you or your student has questions.
Stay safe, and I will see you all soon.
Mr. Bobby