Hello from Florida, in which we are living it up and soaking up so much fun and sunshine. We are looking forward to starting a new instructional year with our returning and new students.
I am reaching out for two reasons, first as a reminder, classes start on August the 8th at 8:00am, so please make sure all of your required documents, such as student’s shot record, declaration of intent, and application has been completed and turned in.
Secondly, because books, and subscriptions must be paid for before classes start, please make sure your students fees have been submitted. This allows us to start on a positive footing from the very beginning.
We will see our students on the 8th. If you wish to drop supplies off early, reach out to us so the we can schedule a time. This will ease the time pressures of the first day for parents needing to get to work.
Well, the beach is calling. We have to take one more swim before saying goodbye to the summer vacation. Parting will be of great sorrow, however, Mrs Fred and I really have missed our students and their smiling faces.
Reach out via here or text or phone call if you have any questions.
Stay safe,
Mr. Bobby